| Belgium Belgium strives for a peaceful and secure world where poverty is a thing of the past and where there are development opportunities for all... read more |
 | Canada Canada's international development program in South Africa is closely aligned with the country's most important priority areas... read more |
 | China China has sharply expanded its foreign aid spending in both scale and scope over the last decade... read more |
 | Denmark Denmark has a long history of supporting South Africa... read more |
 | European Investment Bank Since 2004, the EIB has supported development and economic activity in South Africa with loans and equity investment worth over EUR 2.5 billion... read more |
 | European Union The Commission's Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) is responsible for designing European international cooperation and development policy and delivering aid throughout the world... read more |
 | Finland Finland's support to the South African anti-apartheid movement was transformed into development cooperation in 1995... read more |
 | France In recent years, France has become one of the key development partners of South Africa... read more |
 | Flanders Flemish development cooperation makes an active contribution towards poverty reduction in Southern African... read more |
 | Germany Since 1994 South Africa has received funds of more than one billion Euro of bilateral development aid from Germany... read more |
 | Ireland Irish Aid has provided funding support to South Africa since 1994... read more |
 | Italy The Italian Cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa is traditionally active in the sectors of health, education, rural development, food security and water and infrastructure management... read more |
 | Japan JICA JICA's support to South Africa is primarily focused on Promotion of Human Capacity Development... read more |
 | Luxembourg Our vision is to advance the bilateral relationship between the Republic of South Africa and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg... read more |
 | New Zealand The New Zealand Aid Programme delivers New Zealand’s official support for developing countries... read more |
 | Netherlands The embassy's has a strong focus on linking Dutch expertise to South African challenges in order to support long-term, sustainable and mutually beneficial relations and economic growth... read more |
 | Norway Norway gives priority to areas that are particularly important for development... read more |
 | Spain Africa is both a strategic and a political priority for Spain. In order to manage and plan the growth of our presence in the region... read more |
 | Sweden Sweden has a long history of cooperation with South Africa, Botswana and Namibia and this cooperation has progressed from support to the anti-apartheid struggle and traditional development cooperation... read more |
 | Switzerland, SECO The SDC's regional programme in Southern Africa aims to reduce the levels of poverty, inequality and vulnerability in the countries of the region... read more |
 | UK Department for International Development We work in South Africa to encourage growth, job creation and the rights of women and children, and to improve health services and the public sector... read more |
 | United Nations The South Africa-United Nations Strategic Cooperation Framework (UNSCF) 2013-2017 is the overall framework for the work of the UN System in South Africa... read more |