About IDC

The International Development Co-operation (IDC) is a Chief Directorate unit within the Budget Office of the National Treasury established with the purpose of overseeing, coordinating, mobilising and managing official development cooperation to the Government of the Republic of South Africa. In addition, the IDC ensures enhanced development cooperation co-ordination with Development partners, government departments and non-state actors through established forums such as bilateral consultations, development co-operation forums and inter-departmental dialogue. These enhance greater accountability and transparency.

Specifically the IDC is mandated to:

  • Ensure effective co-ordination, ownership and management of development cooperation in South Africa;
  • Ensure effective development cooperation programmes delivery;
  • Strengthen development cooperation knowledge management across government;
  • Co-ordinate the improved alignment of development cooperation to the Budget process.

Beyond the internationally agreed compacts, the IDC aligns its development co-operation initiatives to the following principles guiding the conceptualisation, design, negotiation and execution of development co-operation interventions, notably:

  • People-centred development: The cardinal beneficiary of our development initiatives is the citizen;
  • Country ownership and leadership: Crucial to ensure success, impact and added value. The South African Government will continue to set its own  development goals;
  • Developmental goals: Development co-operation endeavours are targeted at beneficiaries who are either the most vulnerable or are most in need;
  • Partnership in good faith: All agreements and partnerships are entered into bona fide, for the mutual benefit of all concerned;
  • Mutual Accountability & Transparency: All information should be shared by both the Development Partners and South Africa for enhanced democratic governance, transparency and accountability;
  • Management for Results: Partners are equally responsible for results of the actions being undertaken while focusing on tangible outcomes i.e. impact of the development co-operation.